Purchases and Refunds

The Company may provide products, services, subscriptions, or access to certain portions to the Company’s website at a monetary cost. Prices and availability are subject to change without notice. The Company may allow for such purchases within its website or via a white label affiliate. It is your responsibility to thoroughly read and understand any such terms and conditions.

By making any such purchases, you agree that the Company has no responsibility and acquires no liability for any claim related to your purchases. Upon the complete purchase of a product, service, subscription, or access to certain portions of the Company website, the Company will make any said product, service, or access will be available to you following the approved transaction. 

There are no refunds on any Services purchased from the Company. If you, as a purchaser, are deemed “high risk” by our payment processors we may require you to provide additional documentation or information in order to proceed with the assessment. Failure to provide the requested documentation and information within twenty-four (24) hours of said request may result in your use of and access to the Services being revoked. The documentation and information supplied does not guarantee that this status will be revoked and may still be subject to ineligibility.